Congratulations to Angela Rae, Brett Christen and Frances Gallop on being included as "Leading Practitioners" in the 2021 edition of the Canadian Lexpert Directory. Leading Practitioners are identified annually by their legal colleagues through a comprehensive, Canada-wide survey. We are also pleased that Rae Christen Jeffries LLP was recognized as "Consistently Recommended" for labour relations. We thank all members of the firm for your continued commitment to excellence.
Frances Gallop to Speak at Association of Legal Clinics of Ontario program
On April 26th, Frances Gallop will be speaking at a program provided by the Association of Legal Clinics of Ontario on mental health in the workplace. The program is for legal clinic directors and will consider the particular challenges facing legal professionals working in a clinic setting and their managers, and offer practical solutions to support clinic staff and provide a healthy workplace.
Daryn Jeffries to Speak at OMHRA February Symposium
On February 26, 2021, Daryn Jeffries will be presenting a workshop regarding the impact of the Talos v Grand Erie District School Board decision on negotiating benefit entitlements for workers 65 years of age and older at the Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association’s February Symposium, to be held virtually. Click here for more information regarding the Symposium.
Anne Marie Heenan to Join Panel Discussion of Top 10 Workplace and Employment Law Considerations for 2021
On December 9, 2020, Anne Marie will be speaking at Canadian Lawyer’s webinar event, “Top 10 Workplace and Employment Law Considerations for Employers in 2021”. Anne Marie will be discussing diversity and anti-racism policies and training, health and safety considerations surrounding returning employees to work during a pandemic, and best practices for accommodating mental health in the workplace. Click here for further details regarding the conference and how to register.
Best Lawyers, Global Business Edition Recognition
Angela Rae, Brett Christen, Frances Gallop and Daryn Jeffries were included in the Fall 2020 issue of Best Lawyers, Global Business Edition. This guide is a global resource, connecting influential businesses in the United States with leaders in the international legal community.
Angela Rae to Co-Chair and Daryn Jeffries to Speak at Lancaster House Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference
Angela Rae will be co-chairing this year's Lancaster House Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference, to be held virtually on December 9 and December 15, 2020. On December 15, 2020, Daryn Jeffries will be joining a conference panel addressing the topic “Remote Work in the wake of COVID-19: Exploring accommodation, privacy, productivity, and other critical issues”. Click here for further details regarding the conference and how to register.
Anne Marie Heenan to Join Panel Discussion Regarding Vavilov Decision as Part of Queen's Law Online Workshop
On October 16, 2020, Anne Marie Heenan will be joining a panel discussing the impact of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov on workplace law. Anne Marie will be discussing the potential effect of Vavilov on the provision of written reasons in labour-related adjudications. This workshop is hosted by the Queen’s Law Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace and will be held remotely via Zoom. Click here for further details regarding the program and how to register.
2021 Best Lawyers in Canada Recognition
Congratulations to Angela Rae, Brett Christen, Frances Gallop and Daryn Jeffries on being included in the 2021 edition of Best Lawyers in Canada. Best Lawyers' annual list of top Canadian lawyers in various practice areas is compiled using comprehensive peer reviews. We are delighted to see members of our firm being recognized for their excellence in labour and employment law.
Lancaster House - Labour Relations Certificate Program
On August 11, 2020, Daryn Jeffries will be joining a panel discussing collective bargaining as part of Lancaster House’s virtual Labour Relations Certificate Program. Click here for further details regarding the program and how to register.
Carla Black will be a panelist at the Law Society of Ontario’s annual seminar The 6 Minute Labour Lawyer. Carla will be speaking on Employers’ Health and Safety Obligations on “re-opening”: The New Normal from the Employer’s Perspective. In light of the COVID-19 emergency, the program will be available as an on-demand audio program during the week of June 22. Click here for further details regarding the seminar and how to register. more >